Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Four Questions of Easter

  1. Why is it that on all other Sundays, we order an egg white scramble, but on this Sunday, we get a pink one, instead?
  2. Why is it that on all other Sundays, we eat Ghiradelli squares, but on this Sunday, they're shaped like bunnies?
  3. Why is it that on all other Sundays, we shvitz at the gym, but on this Sunday, we find a sign that says Closed?
  4. Why is it that on all other Sundays, we eat over the sink, but on this Sunday, we nosh on the Avenue, 5th Avenue?
Al Jolson sings an Easter song by Irving Berlin. Who says Jews don't know from Easter?


  1. The work of Irving Berlin has more influence on what we know of Easter and Christmas than the Pope. And probably a better influence at that!

  2. Jews know their holidays, and everyone else's.
