A Jewish mani for the High Holidays |
My favorite part of the High Holidays is when the rabbi tells us, "You may now Kvetch in Silence." I do enough kvetching out loud. Lately, it's Kvetch Central over here. So much to kvetch about, so little time. So the opportunity to sit in shul like a good SJG and kvetch silently warms my heart. Will it get me in the Book of Life for another year? Of course. The Big Gal understands kvetching. Who do you think invented it? Check your old testament. "And on seventh day, we kvetch." Back then, they spent a lot of time running from wild beasts. They only got one day off to kvetch. I doubt I'm going to get marked down for kvetching. If anything, I'll get extra points. So come kvetch with me, bleeps. Let's atone together. It's more fun, don't you think? I'll save you an aisle seat. Who's with me?
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