Scott D reppin' the Kings in kindergarten |
A text exchange with the Santa Cruzan: "You don't have that picture of me wearing that old King's jersey when I won student of the month do you?" "Probably. Why?" "I wanted to post it. It's the Stanley Cup finals tonight. Take a pic if you can." "If I can find it." Easier said than done. Photo albums. Not my forte. I started off with the best intentions. Babyhood for both boys is well- documented. After that, I fired myself as family historian. But I have boxes and drawers full of photos in various locations throughout the house. All afternoon, I stepped into the time machine. I took a sentimental journey, reliving my sons' preschool days and sporting events and birthday parties. I cringed at my array of hairstyles, eye wear, fashion sense and fluctuating weight. "Oh, I look pretty good here." "Oh my God, what happened here?" "Hang on, are those Mom jeans?" At random intervals, another text would arrive: "How's it going, da mamala? Any luck?" "Not yet. I'm still looking." I figured this assignment would be a piece of cake. The boy wore his Kings jersey for the entire year of kindergarten. I used to pry it off his back to wash it. Surely, I'd captured it on camera? No. Not really. Hours of searching for the stupid photo left me weepy and unmoored. Each time the face of another lost one floated to the surface, I wanted to quit. And then, another text: "The game starts at 5:10. Just sayin'." Clever boy. Give the SJG a deadline and I will deliver. "Found it." "You're the best." "True." By 5 o'clock, he'd posted his punim for his friends to see. By 9-something the Kings had won in overtime. Next assignment?
Next assignment is to make sure all those great memories/photos are put somewhere safe. Just sayin'. :)