Friendly Editor Needed |
Every day I sit my tush down at the computer, coffee by my side, and ponder, in an accent I borrow from Kerry, my clever British friend, "Whatever shall I blog about today?" It's so much classier than my normal way of speaking, which sounds something like this: "Oh @#$%! What the @#$% should I write about?" After posing my question, Britishly, I wait for divine intervention. I'm still waiting. Usually, I just pick the first random silly thing that pops into my crowded brain. This can be good and not so good. I may repeat a topic without even realizing it. This is what happens when you don't have an editor to point out your typos and logic gaps and offer helpful, constructive criticism that keeps you up at night and makes you question your existence. I can only imagine the sort of editorial spanky-spank that would land in my in-box this week: "Uh, SJG, really? On Saturday, you referenced 'The Elephant Man,' and on Tuesday, you wrote about elephant tchotchkes. How about finding another animal? Giraffes maybe. Write a blog about giraffes, or zebras. Or maybe some human who's pissing you off. Enough with the elephants. Best, Your Imaginary Editor."
Blog idea for tomorrow...How Biden wiped the floor with Ryan.
ReplyDeleteNo blatant politics on here. Just subtle, well-disguised digs.