Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Moon Envy

The question of who owns the moon raises all sorts of issues for the SJG. I'm deeply disturbed, but then, you knew that already. Apparently, no one owns the moon. The moon is everybody's moon.  For now.  But one day, maybe sooner than you think, the moon will go on the market and start a galactic bidding war like nobody's business. Just imagine the qualifications a real estate broker would need to sell the moon. That's a lunar challenge of a lifetime, am I right? And yet, when I see the moon and the moon sees me, all I can think of is how easy it would be to get the moon ready for its first open house.  From what I can tell, the moon has no closets to empty, no books to donate, no tchotchkes to relocate, no furniture to redistribute, thoughtfully. The moon isn't in escrow so fast your head could spin. Call me loony, you wouldn't be the first, but this morning, I'm jealous of the moon.

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