Sunday, March 3, 2019

SJG Launches New Channel

 Overthinker at work
(Sherman Oaks) Beloved blogger/fashion trailblazer/winner of the recent West Coast Kvetching Decathlon, the one, the only Short Jewish Gal, will launch a new cable TV venture, dedicated to meshuganas around the globe. The SJG Overthink! Channel will feature exciting videos of extreme yentas, kibbitzers, schmegeggies and fardeigeters, engaged in high level acts of completely useless mental exertion, what-iffing, worrying, and general tsouris-making. Activities will involve speed (how fast can you turn nothing into something) and high levels of over-analyzing (how quickly can you transition from logical to fermisht). Competitors will wear fashion-forward, highly specialized gear to deflect blame onto others, and perform spectacular stunts of suffering, contemplation and alienation. Overthink! Coming soon to MustYouBeSoDirect TV.