Saturday, February 13, 2021

Baby Talk

Now that Claire is nearly 9 months old, she's "talking" up a storm. At this stage, her chatter, a joyous collection of squeals, squawks, grunts and astute political observations, remains open to interpretation. This morning, the family weighed in on what she expressed in a video her daddy shared.

"I heard Dada."

"I heard Grammala"

"I heard Uncle Scott." 

"I heard let me out of jail."

"I heard supercalifragalisticexpialidocious."

I'll let you decide who heard what. As my very wise Great Auntie Zelda, who, rumor has it, took the money and ran with the tailor, always said, "People hear what they want to hear." The true meaning of Claire's baby talk depends on the listener, and of course, the amount of caffeine and/or alcohol imbibed in one sitting. 

"I said Grammala."

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