Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fourth of July by Liza!

If you're like me, you're probably wondering what to wear this weekend, as you regale others with your presence at various 4th of July soirees.  It's such a burden, isn't it, trying to top yourself, year after year.   How patriotic must we go?  What could be more predictable than red, white and blue?  I ask you:  where's the element of surprise?  Once you've paraded down your block in your Stars-and-Stripes-Forever hotpants, and been asked not to attend the block party ever again (and there's a court order to keep your distance) you must reach for a whole new color scheme, just to save face!  Luckily, someone has come to my rescue.  I have only to turn to my personal wardrobe consultant, that's right, my very own brother, Mr. John Starr, for guidance.

And did I ever get a heap of it yesterday, when he rang me from the set of his latest movie.  "You're not going to believe who's on the Home Shopping Network, selling clothes!  Liza!"  Well, this was happy news, indeed.  "It's like the director said, 'You're Lady Macbeth, you're selling clothes on the Home Shopping Network.  Action!'"  Naturally, I hung up on him while he was still talking, and placed my emergency order tout de suite. My velvet halter jumpsuit is on its way.  Don't just sit there, ladies.  Get crackin'!  Double click for full Liza splendor, at her slurry best!


  1. First & foremost Liza with a Z (not Johnny with an H) thanks you for the plug! dare you suggest that Judy's little girl speaks in a "slurry" manner! 'Liquored Up Good' is a lifestyle not a problem! Stop the Liza hating!

  2. No hating here. I'm all about the Liza love, bro. Hence, the velvet halter jumpsuit purchase! Keep those wardrobe tips a-comin'.

  3. Oh yes "Purdy"
    Why didn't I think of working clay into earrings, think of the money your other brother could have saved.
    "Oh thank you, oh thank you Carol"
