Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Ultimate SJG Quiz

1. The SJG threw her _____ out, which explains her recent blog shortage.
a. dignity
b. back
c. garbage
2. The SJG's all-time motto is "Life is _____."
a. funny
b. strange
c. life
3. The SJG was born in a _____.
a. spaceship
b. Oldsmobile
c. shoe
4. The SJG believes a little shot of _____ goes a long way.
a. tequila
b. laughter
c. penicillin
5. When the SJG was three and a half years old, she fell off a  _____.
a. Broadway stage
b. tree
c. bed
6. When she fell, the SJG broke her _____.
a. leg
b. collarbone
c. Chatty Cathy
7. The SJG can't function without three cups of _____ a day.
a. water
b. coffee
d. Vodka
8. In January, the SJG will turn ___.
a. 39
b. 62
c. 92
9. The SJG met longtime hubby in _____.
a. Junior High
b. Juvie Hall
c. Jerusalem
10. The SJG considers _____ her personal homeland.
a. Bloomingdales
b. Gelson's
c. Leila's Hair Museum


  1. b. c. b. b. c. b. b. b. a. b.
    What did Sister P win??

  2. Mazel on your big win. Sister P wins 250 nice bagels. xo Rabbi Carol
