Throw me a crumb
The Royal Rescue Pup. He's all about love and devotion. Take this morning. There we are, snuggling on the sofa, reflecting on the state of things. "It's not good out there," I say, gently petting him. "Not good at all. But as long as we're together...." He snuggles closer, puts his paw on my lap. No question, Sir Blakey and the SJG are having a moment. Until... the ding of the toaster. One ding and his loyalties shift. He jumps off and runs toward the early morning dude, you know, the guy who gets up at an ungodly time to walk him, while I lounge in bed. "There he goes," I say, "Mr. Love 'Em & Leave 'Em." Forget snuggles. He needs something a little more substantial.

He needs toast. He'll take whatever longtime hubby throws his way. A crumb, a morsel, makes no diff. Once it's out of the toaster and buttered up, the dog sits patiently and awaits his reward. Three years after rescuing us, has he got us well-trained, or what? Day after day, his wish is our command. Just between us, we wouldn't have it any other way.
I love toast. Haikeydogg always gets the butter knife.
ReplyDeleteNamastace, thanks for the love and awesome support!