Monday, March 30, 2020

My Life In A Nutshell

Meshuggeneh Monday: Embrace the crazy. Order Uber ride to Funny Farm.

Testy Tuesday: Test will power. Fail test. Test how long it takes to get to kitchen.

WTF Wednesday: For each "WTF?!" spoken during 24-hour news cycle, take Tequila shot.

Teetotal Thursday: Abstain from booze. Use time to feel present, mindful, tranquil. Give up.

Fried Food Friday: Fry. Eat. Repeat. Peanut Butter Cups. Bananas. Girl Scout Cookies. Spaghetti-O's. Potato Chips. Matzoh from 2003.

Sacrifice Saturday: List good deeds to be done. Don't do any. Make new list. No good deeds to be done.

Sanitize Sunday: Clorox counter. Lysol lifestyle. Purell panic.


  1. WFM Monday: Are you kidding me? Same face, different day. Confirmed no sense of smell or taste... via Zoom. I know I'm sick... of Zoom.
