Don't go! |
Oh, please. You can't be serious. The "Breaking Bad" finale and the start of "Homeland" all on one night? Don't the scheduling gods know that's too much wonderful for one SJG? The agony of one of my all-time favorite shows ending... the ecstasy of one of my all-time favorite shows rebooting. I may need a sedative. Every Sunday, we gather. We eat, we watch. The nice sons I gave birth to, the hubby I married a while back, we obsess over the ending of "Breaking Bad." "How's it going to end?" we ask each other. "Some people are going to die." That's the best we can do. Personally, I think Walter White is going to still be alive. We already know he's going to die soon. We don't need to see it. I think his unforgiving family will survive, too. I think Walter White will take down the White Supremacists. I think he'll poison Lydia with the ricin. I think Jesse and Walter will face each other, a la "High Noon," and let each other go. They'll end the same way they started this ride... with nothing. Who knows? Maybe I'm a little bit right. Maybe not. Either way, I'm going to survive this ordeal, more or less in tact. At least, that's the goal.
Welcome back! |
I'm pretty close here...