Monday, September 7, 2020

A Glass of Pessimism

On this bizarro Labor Day 2020, longtime hubby and the SJG face an important decision. Do we go ahead and crack open the Pessimist, an alarmingly red blend longtime hubby recently discovered at Costco?
Do we wholeheartedly embrace the undeniable motto slapped on the label: "A pessimist is never disappointed"?
Do we pour ourselves a half-empty glass of well-traveled pessimism? Or pause the collective despair, the mounting fears, the oppressive what-iffery and go for half-full? Talk about a tough call.
A card-carrying fatalist with "an oaky taste of the realism," my resident wine connoisseur was drawn to the Pessimist for "its haunting imagery and negative vibe."
I know how he loves to share his exciting new finds with the family. Still, I may have to pass on the Pessimist, at least for now, and pick a more upbeat Labor Day option, a crisp Rosé with hopeful notes. Plus, it will complement the tequila-soaked chicken so much better than a dystopian red. 
Right now, at this moment in time, I need to take reassuring sips. I need to believe that at some point, somehow, this big scary case of WTF will be behind us. Deep down, I know you feel the same.

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