Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Take One Firefighter, Call Me In The Morning

Better than Xanax
At my all-gal gym, a place where hormones run wild, social commentary flies, and abs crunch day and night, the gals over-shared their feelings, yet again, before and after Monday's kick-ass Boot Camp.  Might've been the freakin' heatwave, the broken air conditioning, or the promise of free chocolate come Halloween.  A few highlights:

Pam:  I passed the cutest firefighters on the way here.
SJG:  Where?
Pam:  Laurel Canyon and Moorpark.  Firefighters are so cute.  I once had a panic attack and I called the fire department.  The firefighters came over, and they were so cute, my panic went away.
SJG:  Who needs Xanax?

But it looks so pretty
Gene: So, how's your son doing at Santa Cruz?
SJG: He's loving it up there, thank God.
Gene:  That's great.  Did you know that at one point, Santa Cruz was the murder capital of the world?
SJG: I could've lived my whole life not knowing that.
Gene:  It was a long time ago.  You have nothing to worry about.
SJG: I feel so much better now.