Requirements include thick skin |
The college boy's status on FB: "Literature Major with a focus on Creative Writing, hmmmm I like the sound of that." The ex-college boy's reaction to his brother's potential major: "He'll be surrounded by a bunch of pretentious pricks and hipsters." The college boy's reaction to his brother: "Haha I don't really care who I'm surrounded by, after looking at all the majors that is the one that appeals to me the most." Do I correct him:
whom I'm surrounded by? No. I may be a former English major, but all I say is: "Do it." This is not how I reacted when the eldest declared his major, Environmental Studies, a few years back. "Not the obvious choice for you. But go for it." He pulled it off, despite all the math, did well and is now employed... in show biz and dreams of writing and producing "hilarious, edgy sh*t." As for the youngest, I may suggest that he toughen up, immediately if not sooner. He's a gentle soul, a romantic, a lover of rap-style poetry. The boy wears his heart on his sleeve. Creative writing? He needs to develop extra-thick skin, something he doesn't come by, naturally, from the SJG genetic package. Overly-sensitive to criticism? That would be me. Known to weep profusely at random intervals? Me. Hubby, on the other hand, arrived on this planet, not giving a @#*& what anyone thinks. I hope the college boy has some of Dad's kick-ass attitude stored away. Some of that "you're wrong and I'm right" demeanor. So go forth and write, young man. Do it. Give it everything you've got. And take no prisoners, while you're at it.
Creative. Good.