Sunday, December 7, 2014

When I Think of Hanukkah...

When I think of Hanukkah:
I see candles breaking as they hit the prongs
There goes a red one, there goes a blue.
I take more out of the box and try again.

When I think of Hanukkah:
I see educational toys stacked in closets
Rejected by the two young sons
Who only wanted Hot Wheels and Power Rangers.

When I think of Hanukkah:
I smell latkes frying in a pan
I hear the smoke detector going off
A reminder to remove the batteries next time.

When I think of Hanukkah:
I see Star of David cookies I bought at Ralph's
For the second grade holiday party
A better person would've made them herself.

When I think of Hanukkah:
I see me hunting for hidden gifts
Where did  Mommy stash them all?
Please God, let there be an Easy-Bake Oven.

When I think of Hanukkah:
My mind spins like a wooden dreidel.
Where did all the menorahs go?
Can we get back the one Scotty made in preschool?


  1. Hanukkah is so late this year! You'll have plenty of time to change the smoke detector batteries if you plan now.

    A touching poem, SJG.

  2. I think of re-creating the Battle of the Maccabees using lighted Sparklers as swords!

  3. Thankie so much BG. And bro, I have such fond memories of us reenacting that battle in the living room on Lindbrook. Good times. You rocked as Judah Maccabee.
