Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Zen of Don Draper

When last we saw Don Draper,  he was sitting on a bus bench in the middle of nowhere, with a Sears bag. Life had kicked the sh*t out of him yet again, and the expression on his face said, "Yeah, I deserved it." Depressing? Exhilarating? Confusing? Oh, hell yes. But then, Don Draper has always been the most confounding of TV characters. Just when we thought Don was on an upswing, he eff'd it all up, just like before. We kept watching, anyway. That's the weird pull of "Mad Men." Tonight the series finale will tell us where he's going next. Or not. Wherever he's headed, nowhere or somewhere or just a new purgatory of his own making, it feels like a do-over. He's falling off that high-rise, metaphorically. Maybe he'll take back his old name, Dick Whitman, or keep his current name, or find a whole new name that suits this suit-less, hat-less version of the most mystifying, post-Madison Avenue man to ever grace TV. I will miss him, deeply. Here are some of his best quotes:

 True that.

I'm on it.

Who doesn't?



  1. The end of an era...AGAIN! My life was complete when Jon Hamm was visiting an exec at my office and walked right by my desk. He was scruffily magnificent. Sigh.
