Monday, April 13, 2020

Grandma-In-Training Sanity Prayer

Blakey watches over Chlo 

Hellody, peeps. I'm your humble Grandma-In-Training, currently hibernating at home just like everybody else, so what makes me so special? Plus, no one needs to train to be a grandma, it comes with the territory, right? I beg to differ. Just because I've been mothering sons for over 30 years doesn't mean my grandmothering skills are up to date. There's so much to learn, I need a new set of flashcards to memorize all the things I shouldn't say and do. In a pandemic, being a Grandma-In-Training is challenging. I need a plan to keep me from going cuckoo, or as Chlo-Chlo, my glamorous French daughter-in-law likes to say, "cocoa." More than anything, I need a daily prayer.
Don't go cocoa!

So here it is, The SJG Sanity Prayer to help me cope: Grant me the will power to stop eating any chocolate that crosses my path, including the caramel Easter Eggs that appeared on the kitchen counter by magic, just to test me. Help me accept all the things I won't get to do, including meet Baby Girl at the hospital. Give me the strength to keep the over-worrying in check. Convince me to let go and let the Ob-Gyn take care of business. Tell me to dial back the unsolicited advice, but come on, a few suggestions may slip out, because I wouldn't be me, otherwise. Guide me in the management of my expectations, which lean toward unrealistic. Remind me on a daily basis that this too shall pass, the question is when? Amen. 
Billy bonds with the giraffe


  1. Warning: Be careful how you introduce baby to the giraffe. One of our kids (don't recall which one; protecting their identify) is still terrorized by Goofy after he snuck up on us at Disneyland during said child's first trip.

  2. Excellent advice, Steve. We're pretty sure Giraffe is possessed and has serious plans for Baby's future.
