I bet Isadora D. never skipped it. |
"We're stuck in the small studio tonight."
"I hate the small studio."
"I like the big studio."
"The big studio is better."
"The lighting is better in the big studio."
'The big studio is cooler."
"What happens if we don't dance tonight?"
"Nothing bad."
"But you shlepped from Culver City to teach us."
"I don't mind the drive."
"And you shlepped from Granada Hills."
"It didn't take that long."
"Where did you shlep from?"
"I didn't shlep. I live five minutes away."
"Oh. So you want to dance tonight?"
"Not really. I have a terrible headache."
"So, we'll skip it."
"Skip class?"
"Yeah. Let's skip it."
"Play hooky?"
"I'd feel so reckless."
"So, you don't want to skip it?"
"Are you kidding? I'd be jazzed to skip it."
"So, we're skipping it, then?"
"Everyone in agreement, say oy."
"It's decided. We're skipping it."
"Oh, no. Here's come Lynn. She shlepped from Topanga Canyon."
"Hey, Lynne. Guess what? We're not having class tonight unless you make us."
"Why do I have that power?"
"We don't feel like dancing, but we'll dance if you make us feel bad about skipping it."
"To be honest, I don't mind skipping it. I'm tired."
"Okay, then. We're skipping it, for real."
"Thank God. I'm so exhausted I can barely stand up. See you Sunday."
"Unless we decide to skip it. I hear it's going to 99, at least."
"We're not skipping Sunday."
"If we skip Sunday, we're really a pathetic bunch of lazy-ass losers."
"That's harsh."
"Hey, if the Capezio fits..."
"I'm going now. Bye."
"Love you."
"Love you."
"Drive safely."
"You, too."
"Adios, slackers!"
"Ba-bye now."
"I've never been more ashamed of myself."
"I bet you have."
"Yeah, you're right. See you Sunday, bitches!"