Monday, April 8, 2019

Sometimes There's No Controlling Me

Jake O'Flaherty, Lisa Loeb and Whitefire owner Bryan Rasmussen

Overly-affectionate gal that I am, I tend to blurt out "I love you" when I meet a famous type, but only when I truly mean it. Is it cool? No. It's so not cool. But I can't help it, especially when I'm taken by surprise. Saturday night, there she was at Brushes, Lisa Loeb, whose 90's hit "Stay" tops my list of favorite sing-along at the top of my lungs driving songs. "Lisa Loeb! I love you!" I said, and hugged her like an old friend. She'd come to the show with my yoga teacher Tali, and three other gals. "Carol, say hello to my other friends," Tali said, trying to pry me loose from Lisa Loeb. It was hard to let go, but at some point, I released her. I know, I know, there's no controlling me. My family has pretty much given up. But still. What a treat.  It made my night. Well, that and the fact that we put plenty tushies in seats, enough to fill the house (more or less). 

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