Monday, October 13, 2014

The Play's The Thing

Nice people gathered round to read "It's All About The Hair" 

Things that were said about our play at the reading in Cathy's dining room: "Shakespearean in its depth!" "Broadway-ready!" "Can I play Hamlet?" "Where's the dance number?" "What happened to my solo?" "I laughed, I cried, I emoted." 

Things that were actually said during our play at the reading in Cathy's dining room: The painful butchering of various Yiddish words, including "L'chaim!" ("La chawm?") "kugel" (what's a kewgell?) and "Bubbie" (Boobie). 

Things that were actually said after our play reading: "Funny." "It worked." "Needs work." "It's commercial, and that's a good thing." "Where's the bathroom?" "You've hit the mother lode, ladies." "There's my ride." "Wine? Yes please." "Can I take this enchilada to go?" 


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