Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Friended, Unfriended, Refriended

It's a love fest over here at the home-stead.  It's all about forgiveness and didn't mean to say that.  We're dancing the hora in Sherman Oaks.  At least on this block.  The cloud of dysfunction that settled on various occupants has lifted. 

It's true, some members went a little nutso.  Someone, no names mentioned, even got "unfriended" on Facebook over the weekend.  "Do you have any idea how much that hurt?  I need all the friends I can get," said the anonymous target.  By Monday morning, the SJG defriended one was re-friended.  Oh, joy.  Oh, rapture.  Sometimes a family needs to go a bit mishugina to remember the cherished (and preferred) state of sanity.  Sometimes a family needs to yell and scream and ultimately hug it out.  Normalcy has returned.  Let's keep it that way, shall we?