"Where there is love there is life." -- Mahatma Gandhi |
How many times have I promised to slip in a quote from Gandhi? Let me think about that. Give me a minute. Be patient, you. I'm not great with numbers. Hang on, it's coming to me. I think I've made that promise at least... um... Okay, fine. Never. I've never made that promise. Not once have I ever said, "If only I could quote Gandhi, I'd feel more elevated as a human. And oh, what a spike in readers it would get me!" But now I realize, if there's ever a good time to quote Gandhi, it's this moment in time. Chances are, it won't happen again. I'll quote Groucho Marx, I'll quote George Carlin, maybe Mae West now and then, maybe Miley C. But Gandhi? Probably not. So why, why, am I quoting him today? I'm so glad you asked. I've always liked you best. That's just between us, of course. Please don't tell my other devotees scattered throughout the universe. Just yesterday I got a fan text from Jupiter. I had no idea what it said, it was in Alien, but I'm pretty sure it said something like this: "We love your silly SJG blog so much on Jupiter, we're learning to make kugel." I know, I know, stop wasting precious time. Back to Gandhi already. Don't rush me, you. Sometimes I take a circuitous route. Gandhi popped up during a bedside chat with my personal comedy guru, Mr. Ben Starr, still waiting for the perfect punchline to go out on. In between bemoaning his Laker Boys, and questioning why he's coughing, we talked about our favorite topic. Love. If there's anything out there better than love, let me know. Laughter comes a close second. But love. Love is ultimately what it's all about. According to my dad, "Gandhi taught the world about love." According to me, Mr. Ben Starr has taught a master course on the subject.
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