Monday, December 2, 2019

Everybody's A Critic

So this photo approximates the look on the gastro doctor's face, after he told me the best news possible, post-procedure: "Everything's fine." "Phew. Then why so glum? Is there an issue?" "Well," he said, sighing, "your prep wasn't the best." "Excuse me, you're giving my prep a bad review?" "Not bad. Let's just say, it could've been better." "I did everything on the stupid list. Was I supposed to do more?" "It's not a personal judgment." "Ha! If you're grading me on a curve, what do I get?" "B-." "What?!" "Fine. Stop badgering me. B." "I'll take it." "See you in five years." "The report says ten years." "Five would be better."

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