Monday, February 10, 2020

Another Weird Opening, Another Show

Oy, this thing is heavy.

It's true, your loyal SJG scratched my keppy multiple times throughout the hostless Academy Awards, and it wasn't just because I needed a good shampoo. When I wasn't scratching my keppy, I was either hiding behind one of Andy and Allison's plush pillows or openly cringing. There were many moments I just didn't get. The opening number, for instance. Sorry/not sorry.
I love Janelle Monáe, I do, and I'd kill for an outfit covered in flowers, and yes, absolutely, the lack of diversity continues to be a total and complete shandalabra, and yet, I confess, I still didn't get the combo celebration/buzz kill, the name-checking of movies that didn't get nominated. Maybe next year, the Academy nominations will be more inclusive. And what about the Grammy-like return of this guy?
I didn't get that, either. It was kinda fun to see the audience rock out to Eminem, but it made no sense.
My favorite moment of the evening, other than a few heartfelt speeches, the win for "Hair Love," and the jubilant and historic "Parasite" landslide (I was rooting for "1917"), was the Diane Keaton/Keanu Reeves "Something's Gotta Give" reunion.
But let's face it, watching the Oscars, at least for me, has always been more about the people I get to watch and judge it with, than the show itself, dating back to the first time my folks plopped me down on the sofa and said, "No talking during the show, wait for the commercials," a rule I've been ignoring for quite some time now.

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