Wednesday, September 29, 2010

You're Soaking In It

Milk:  Good for the fingies!  Who knew?
Sometimes my brain takes a mini-vacation without asking permission. Up, up, and away it goes.  Ba-bye, brain.  Come back soon!  Take last night, please.  The microwave went beep beep.  I took out the corn... yes, I microwave fresh corn.  I lock it in all nice and snug with Saran Wrap.  It's the fastest way to delish.  Experience has taught me that it's going to be hot, very very hot, when done.  I must gently remove the Saran, or suffer the nasty consequences.  I know this.
But last night, my brain went out for drinks, and left me to fend for myself.  Good luck with that, SJG.  I lifted up the Saran, a waft of devil steam shot out and burned the sh*t outta my fingies.  In response, I did a manic dance through the kitchen, whilst yodeling, "Ow!@#$%!Ow!@#$%!"  My son, the newly-employed, said, "Mom! Are you okay?"  I said, "Ow!@#$%!Ow!" then ran my sorry digits under cold water, which accomplished diddly squat.  "What else should I do?" I asked Dr. Hubby.  "Hmm.  Looks like a first degree burn."  "It hurts." "It'll hurt for half a day."  How does he know that?  And seriously, must he be so specific as to the length of my pending discomfort?

I'm not a big fan of pain, so I did some Googling, and found a home remedy that actually worked: "Milk: For a minor (first degree) burn, soak the burned area in milk for 15 minutes or so. You may also apply a cloth soaked in milk to the area. Repeat every few hours to relieve pain."  For the next few hours, I soaked my poor little singed fingies in cold milk.  It soothed.  It healed.  It took away the sting.  I share this tidbit with you, free of charge.  Why?  Because I'm a giver.

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