Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Not Your Rabbi's Daughter Jeans

(Sherman Oaks) Just in time for Rosh Hashanah, the SJG announces a wonderful new line of High Holiday Apparel: Not Your Rabbi's Daughter Jeans. Before she hurried off to temple, the self-appointed fashion maven took a brief moment to hawk her latest trend-setting project. "It hit me like a ton of frozen honey cake, this idea for Not Your Rabbi's Daughter Jeans, Not Your Rabbi's Daughter Shabbat Shalom Sweater Set, and Not Your Rabbi's Daughter High Holiday Dress. I mean, is this the greatest clothing concept ever? Am I onto something, or what? So much better than Not Your Daughter's Jeans, don't you think? It goes without saying that Not Your Son's Jeans wouldn't be a big selling point. Of course, I could design another line, Not Your Daughter-In-Law's Jeans, for those moments when you're not in shul, counting your blessings, atoning and elbowing the portly fella sitting next to you, pondering how to tell him, in the most Rosh Hashanah way, 'Hey, you, enough with the manspreading, you're not on the subway.' " (9-21-17)


  1. I love it coming up with a great idea and put it into action requires your kind of mind go for it.xo
