Monday, June 10, 2013

Who Knew?

Super Jew to the rescue!
This is the exact poster that hung in my dad's office in our home on Lindbrook Drive.   It always made me giggle, no matter how many times I looked at it.  The idea of a Super Jew comic hero with super powers was super empowering, even if it was only the stuff of fantasy.  And yet... hubby opened up the current issue of AARP... hey, it comes with the membership... and discovered that Superman is...
"probably Jewish."  What's with the probably?  Let's go with Superman is Jewish.  According to the authors of "Superman: The High-Flying History of America's Most Enduring Hero," the creators of the Man of Steel (Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel) gave plenty clues.  Superman's real name is Kal-El, Hebrew for "vessel of God."  On top of which, his "origin story" is "straight out of Exodus."  Much like Moses, Superman's real pop "launched him to safety and adoption by gentiles."  There you have it.  What more proof do you need?  Superman is a nice, Kosher beefy Jewish boy with unbelievable strength.  Somewhere, his mother is kvelling, not to mention, worried sick every time she wonders what in God's name he's up to now.  In fact, the SJG has it it on good authority that Superman's Kryptonion mamala just sent him the following text: "So you're faster than a speeding bullet.  So you're more powerful than a locomotive.  So you're able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. That's terrific, honey.  But it's enough already.  You've made your point. Come home.  The kugel's getting cold."

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