Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Eavesdropping In NYC

A muggy, muggy day in NYC

The lady at the Cosmic diner summed it up best, with a bissel Yiddish, to boot: "Be grateful! This is bashert." Whatever she meant was meant to be, I can't tell you, but I took it to mean that I was meant to eavesdrop on her conversation. After all, she was on the other side of my booth, having a loud and testy conversation with someone I decided was either a husband or ex-husband, or more than likely a brother, given the level of New York honesty.

When you talk loudly in front of the out-of-town SJG, be forewarned. I tend to jot down a few notes. And this gal was offering such wisdom:

Man: "You are a pain in the ass."
Woman: "I know, but it paid off."
Perfect response to any insult hurled your way, am I right?

Then later, this:
Woman: "Stop trying to placate me."
Man: "Stop lecturing me."
Who wouldn't want to hang out with these two?

The lovely windows at Bendels

Earlier in the day, I visited Bendels, my favorite store. Gone: all the private vendors. It's now 100 percent Bendels merchandise. So I bought myself a Bendels-made bauble. How could I not? Gone, too, the uber-aggressive makeup section. There was no one to accost me. No one to say, "I've got something for that situation under your eyes." Well, color my cheeks ecstatic with a hint of shimmer. If that's not the definition of bashert, what is?

The almost late "Late Show." Don't go, Dave. Stay. 


  1. Stay out of the subways. It's too hot! You'll melt on the platform waiting for a train. I know you. Just take a cab. xoxo

  2. Nice, but perhaps unintended, "Oz" reference...

    1. I'm not catching obscure Oz reference, Stevie. Please to explain?

  3. Cathy, subways? What are those? I walk or a cab.
