Last night, a nice young man paid a visit to the homestead. We held hands and read the Bible together and spoke in tongues and -- oh wait, that didn't happen. We talked solar panels and where they'd go on the roof -- "there, there and not there." Decoratively speaking, solar panels are just plain fugly. But environmentally, they are hip, they are happening. Just take some "free" sunlight, convert those rays into energy, spend muchly, and at least five years later, maybe more, save dollars. There are many options, many incentives, many things to consider before signing your roof away.
Hubby asked all sorts of smarty-pants questions, while I sang "Let the sun shine" over and over in my head. The nice young man did many calculations on his fancy Ipad, ennumerating all the fab advantages of solar panels. "I wish they were prettier," I said, shallow gal that I am. "They may not be pretty, SJG, but they're so good for the earth," said he. "Best of all, they make you feel good about yourself as a human being." "But that's what therapy's for. I've already spent enough on shrinks to solar panel the entire neighborhood." At which point, he got up from the table. "Think about it. Give me a call when you're ready." He may have to wait awhile.
I say get a convertible and some Prozac instead.
ReplyDeleteHow about a bunch of aluminum foil on the roof- will that work?
ReplyDeleteIn Denmark they swim in the ice cold winter waters. Why not pretend your Danish? Just a thought...
ReplyDeletefemmewriter.. this is a brilliant idea. clearly, two heads are better than one when solving the world's energy crisis. aluminum foil! i'm on it!