"Major celebrity sighting," I whispered to the eldest. He lit up like a Hanukkah bush and started scanning the restaurant. "Where?" "If I tell you, you have to maintain. You can't make a spectacle of yourself.""I'll behave." "It's someone you're obsessed with... someone you idolize." "Just tell me." "Look over at the next table. Be cool. It's.... Vanna White." "@#$%!" he said. "It's Vanna." Hubby and the birthday son, who just turned 22, although I refuse to accept this, and prefer to say he just turned 12, had their backs to Vanna. "What's going on?" hubby asked. The birthday son was too busy texting to care. "Here's a hint: I'd like to solve the puzzle. " Hubby smiled. "Is it him or --" "It's her," the eldest said, dreamily. By now you may be wondering why he's so ga-ga over Vanna. Or maybe you don't give a rat's patootie. Seriously? What kind of person are you? Whether you're invested in this key moment in our lives, or not, I refer you to a previous blog I wrote:
The big news in the SJG house yesterday? Nothing to do with politics or sports or even the fact Demi Moore is right down the street at Sherman Oaks Hospital. No, the big news: "Wheel of Fortune's" Pat Sajak revealed that he and Vanna used to get hammered at a Mexican restaurant during two and a half-hour breaks while prizes were loaded onto the set in Burbank. "Vanna and I would go across the street and have two or three or six (margaritas), and then come and do the last shows and have trouble recognizing the alphabet," Sajak said in an interview. We are obsessed with this story, not just because it's an OMG of over-sharing and why are you telling the world this now and did you clear it with Vanna first. We are obsessed because, in the eyes of the first born, Pat Sajak's margarita admission proves, once and for all, that... well, there's no way to phrase this delicately, so I'm just going to put it out there... Pat and Vanna have done it. Yesterday was the eldest's huge "I told you so" moment. He even called his father at work to share his glee: "Did you hear about Pat and Vanna! They used to black out together. This is basically a guarantee that they used to @#$%." Hubby remains neutral on the matter. This morning, I tried to clarify a few things with our son. "Just because they got drunk doesn't mean they did it," I argued. "Do I have to spell it out for you, Mother?" "I'd like to buy a vowel." "I'll give you a U." (1-27-12)
Can you blame him for being excited?
Thinking about you soooo much. Can you send me your email again? Curse the computer refresh - it lost your address. xxoo dsfisk@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteOh Donna Sue! Of course!