Friday, December 12, 2014

Very, Very Wet

A call from the San Franciscan:
"The @#$%'n power's out."
"Oh, no. I'm so sorry, sweetie."
"And there's a @#$%'n leak in the kitchen."
"All the food in the fridge is gonna spoil."
"Not if you don't keep opening the door."
"It's all gonna go bad."
"Maybe not."
"I'm supposed to work from home today and I can't get on the Internet."
"Other than that, how's everything?"
"My laptop's about to die."
"This too shall pass."
"Call the DWP and find out."
"They don't know sh*t."
"Make sure you have candles and a flashlight ready."
"That's okay. I'll just sit here in the dark."

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