Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Have You Seen My Owner?

It's been more than a few decades since the SJG spent any real time in an office environment. Now and then, I dip my toe in and marvel at the technological advancements before me. Take this provocative scene at the IATSE in Burbank where I teach my weekly "Laughing At Life" workshop. Haven't I captured this particular tableau with just the right balance of artistry? Don't answer that. It's obvious to me that I've got it going on, photographically. But why have I zoomed in, specifically, on these rando coffee thermoses? I'll tell you why. Because I've always suspected that inanimate objects come to life at night to play, or possibly plan an evil uprising, and here's my proof. Clearly, this stainless brigade of discarded java warmers assembled on the kitchen counter after hours, and posted a sign that says so much in so few words, I had to pay digital homage: Have You Seen My Owner? If this isn't a question for the ages, what is? Let's face it. Life is all about ownership... of our insecurities, intentions, shortcomings, deep-seated mishegas. In an office setting, employees need a sense of ownership of their job, a feeling of accomplishment. And, under cover of darkness, even abandoned belongings go in search of ownership. What if, God forbid, no one claims ownership of these thermal office warriors that keep the peeps caffeinated and productive? What if no one comes forward to say, "Mine!" ??? What happens then?

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