Thursday, April 4, 2019

Play It Again, SJG

I've seen sofas and I've seen toys. I've seen patio furniture and I've seen TVs. But never have I seen an abandoned piano left curbside in my neighborhood. Immediately, I thought of this wonderful NYC ragtime scene...

.. and thought, okay, let's see if I can channel those five years of piano lessons when I was just a wee lil SJG, practicing my tush off every day and giving command performances in the family room.
Let's just say it didn't go well. I played "Heart and Soul" and fortunately, no one witnessed the debacle, unless you count the cat that hid under a car as I attempted to tinkle the out-of-tune ivories. 

That's me in the mirror.

I won't play it again, I promise. But I will relish the days this piano remains curbside. I hope someone wanders by and tunes it. I hope someone wanders by and plays it like the mom crushing it in the video. I hope someone drives by, falls in love and rescues it from oblivion. 

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