Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hey, Sisyphus

"Hey, Sisyphus.  It's the SJG.  Been a while since I checked in.  What's up?"
"A very big rock."
"Again with the rock?"
"It's a living."
"Dude, your biceps must be amazing by now."
"I'm pretty buff."
"So, what else is new?"
"Not much."
"You sound a little down, Sis."
"Sometimes, I feel like I'm just not getting anywhere."
"I hear ya.  We've all been there.  Don't give up."
"I'll try not to.  Some days are better than others."
"So, you got any plans for the holidays?"
"Same ol' same ol'."
"Listen, stop by if you want a nosh."
"Love to... if I ever make it off this hill."
"I'll save you a latke, just in case."

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