Thursday, August 14, 2014

Carry On

This time, I'm going to do it.  As God is my witness, I'm going to find a way.  I won't give in to fear and doubt.  I won't talk myself out of it.  I won't surrender to negativity.  I will shut off the doom-and-gloom dude residing in my keppy.  I will prove the naysayers wrong.  This time, unlike all other times before, I will carry a tiny-ass piece of luggage the size of a baby's butt onto the plane.  I see people do it all the time.  And tomorrow, I will be one of those people.  I will not, repeat not, check my bag, curbside.  I will not send it off into oblivion and hope it arrives at the same airport as the SJG.  I will shove and smush.  I will widdle it down to the necessities.  I will not over pack.  I refer you to every trip I've ever taken.  I'm a what-iffer.  A what-iffer needs too much stuff, just in case.  What if it rains?  What if it's cold?  What if... well, you get the point.  But not tomorrow.  Tomorrow, hubby and I fly in a northerly direction to visit the eldest, who selfishly moved to San Francisco to follow his heart and God willing, find employment.  I'm looking at a three-day getaway.  Three days, people.  I can pack for three days and not four, can't I?  I can carry on a carry-on without all the extras I don't really need.  I can do this, right?  Yes, I can, bitches.  Yes.  I.  Can.


  1. Yes you can, SJG! And you will feel so liberated, you'll never check a bag again! xxoo, the other SJG

    1. Thank you for your support Alice! I'm going to do this! At some point before I leave!

  2. After traipsing around to and fro in Kansas, you should have learned your lesson; emulate Dorothy and make it work with a single dress and a pair of borrowed shoes.

    1. Steve, you're right. If I just remember not to look further than my own backyard, I might find a carry-on that will hold all my belongings and then some.Or I could just remember there's no place home and never go anywhere -- which would eliminate the need to pack.
