Thursday, August 31, 2017

I Know What I Didn't Do This Summer

Our teacher Mrs. Kreplach is making us write a dumb essay about our summer vacation, so here's mine.  I didn't go on vacation this summer, Mrs. Kreplach. I didn't go anywhere or do anything. But I watched other people doing really fun things, so does that count? Like I saw a girl I know swim with dolphins. That looked cool. She posted a photo of herself and said, "Look at me, swimming with dolphins." I think I could've figured out she was swimming with dolphins without the dumb Facebook status. But she was having fun and that's what matters, right, Mrs. Kreplach? Another thing I didn't do this summer was join a circus. That sounded cool, too, but my parents caught me running away because I forgot to turn off the alarm. Next time I run away, I'll turn the alarm off! Oh, sorry, I forgot you don't want us to use exclamation points now that we're in fifth grade! So, anyway, I didn't join the circus and become an acrobat. Isn't that sad, Mrs. Kreplach? Hello, are you even reading this or did I already get an "F" for not doing the assignment right? There are other things I didn't do this summer, like, binge watch "Game of Thrones" or "House of Cards" because my parents told me not to, and I do whatever they tell me not to (wink wink). But just between us, Mrs. Kreplach, I really did binge watch those shows and they were awesome. I'm saving up my allowance to buy a flying dragon or run for emperor of the United Sates. I can't decide which sounds more fun. Dragon or Emperor? Emperor or Dragon? What are your thoughts, Mrs. Kreplach? I need to hear from you. I guess by now you can tell I had the worst summer ever. If they ran a contest for worst summer ever, I'd win for sure. I may also win for Worst Summer Essay ever, which would be very fun, because I almost never win anything, except one time I won a free trip to my room because I was grounded for my bad attitude. 

The End

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