Wednesday, January 9, 2019

These Two Look Familiar

Hmmm... these two look familiar. Give me a sec. It's coming to me. Oh, of course. It's 1990. The grownup with the shoulder pads and let's face it, the mullet-like 'do, is your loyal SJG. But then, you probably figured that out. The giggling boychick is Billy, aka The Eldest, but in this moment here, he's The Only Child and loving it, just turned two. I know. You see the three candles. I see the three candles. But I always put one more candle on the cake "for good luck." And what a lucky mom I've been, all these 31 years as of today, to mother-smother this hilarious son with love and pretty good advice, mostly unsolicited. On January 9, 1990, if a fortune teller had popped into the old NoHo townhouse, just because she was in the neighborhood, leaned over and whispered to me, "No matter have successful he becomes, no matter how much he loves and adores the magnificent gal he's going to marry one day, no matter how much he treasures his parents, his future brother, his friends, his, kina hora, future children, his first love will always be fart-related..." I would've believed her 100 percent. So happy birthday, BB, and many many more, and may you always laugh at the mundane, the ridiculous, and above all, yourself.

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