Friday, August 17, 2018

Oh, You!

Oh, you! You, Blakey, you! How do I thank you for that... um.... present you left on the place where we sleep? The gift I didn't discover for... many hours? How do I find just the right words to capture my... surprise? So surprised was I, so stunned, that I tried to scream but nothing came out. Oh, Blakey, you shouldn't have. But you did, didn't you? I always knew you were a giver, what with the kisses and the snuggles and the non-stop love you offer up daily. But this.... 
This particular offering was a bit over the top, if I'm being honest. I know, I know. It's the thought that counts. Listen, it's my fault anyway. I shouldn't have read you that bedtime story about the adorable rodent. Seriously. What was I thinking? 
I get it now. I really do. In your brain, "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" translated to, "If You Give A Dog A Mouse." So, you got a little mixed up. You took the concept and ran with it. You turned around and gave me... well, there's no nice way to put it. A mouse that had "ceased to be."
As Moses The Exterminator said to me when he came off the mount to answer my frantic call, "That dog, he's a hunter." "Oy, Moses, is he ever."


  1. I thought the Wednesday upchuck didn't turn out to be a one-time thing after all---I think I would have preferred that to the deceased.

  2. Sister P! Hellody! I think it may have been related to the dastardly mouse mishap. As Moses said, so aptly, "He's a hunter." xo
