Sunday, August 11, 2019

Scenes From A Bark Mitzvah

True, my brother John may have gone a little overboard with the Bark Mitzvah. Take this temple backdrop, for starters. Doesn't it look authentic? Just say yes.

So here's a bunch of nice people who gathered to celebrate Lucky's big day. Safe to say it was everyone's first Bark Mitzvah. Some folks, like my mother-in-law, brought their dogs. Some, like the SJG, did not. Why? I'll tell you why. Because the Royal Rescue Pup (of Questionable Lineage) refused to practice his aliyah (the honor of being called to the Torah) and sometimes, I need to show him who's the boss.

John spent the day kvelling over Lucky, and can you blame him? His Ruff-Torah was remarkable. Oh, and the way he greeted the other dogs was, well, borderline X-rated. Let's just say the Bark Mitzvah Boychick was a overly-enthusiastic with the butt-sniffing, and leave it at that. 

John & Lucky, Aunt Elly & Lexie, the SJG & Cousin Andy

Billy and Chlo-Chlo of the Purple Hair 

The lovely Meg & Scotty 

Oops, did I forget to tell you about the candle lighting ceremony? What about the Starrlight Ballroom? Trust me on this: Nothing gets the dogs up and dancing the hora more than a swirling disco ball. And, of course, "I Will Survive." 


  1. Looks like a good time was had. All fun aside, John has given Lucky such a wonderful life after a rough start, and I admire his commitment to the shelter helping other pups in distress. It would break my heart but John has the strength to keep going back every week. Xx

  2. So sweet, Mandy. He really is dedicated and I'm so proud of my brother xo

  3. Woof!!!! Ok that was Rambo chiming in that he wanted to be invited— he loves a goof bark mitzvah. He is a foodie after all. Put him on the VIP list for next time and all will be forgiven. Well...there might be a little kvetching ��
