Sunday, March 9, 2014

Enforced Sleep Deprivation

Go ahead and smile.  Tomorrow you'll be exhausted
No one likes a little extra sunlight more than the SJG.  I'm a sunlight worshipper from way back, and I have the sunspots on my punim to prove it.  And yet, every time we are forced to turn the clocks ahead, and by forced, I mean, we have no choice in the matter, no vote, no power, I'm filled with deep-seated resentment.  Don't get me wrong.  I simply adore the chance to frolic outside past my 6 p.m. dinnertime curfew, as much as anyone.  I love to prance down my block and yell, "Woo-hoo, it's still light out!"  What I don't love is the sleep deprivation.  One hour doesn't sound like much, but it effs me up, big time.  It throws off my circadian rhythm.  It messes with my well-being.  This makes for a tired and cranky SJG, which, I assure, isn't a good situation.  Spring forward.  Lose an hour of sleep.  Gain an extra hour of kvetching.


  1. Not that I'd ever kvetch too (kidding) but I have a 6am work Call Time on Monday! That's right, 6am! So instead of my alarm waking me Monday at 4am it'll really be 3am! Talk about springing ahead. Repeat after me ... Oy Vey!

  2. The complaint department is open: you win!

  3. As long as I win who cares if I sleep? I win!

  4. Have you also noticed that "fall back" leaves you just as cranky? So you have a chance to repeat this posting written in reverse just after Halloween...

  5. SO many things leave me cranky, it is hard to differentiate. xx
