Wednesday, December 26, 2012

An Xmas Miracle

Better late than never
An Xmas miracle:  The Chinese take-out the SJG ordered at 5 finally arrived at 7.  All I had to do was call up and repeatedly nag the stressed-out phone-answerer.  "We very busy," she said.  "Can you tell me if the food is on the way?" I asked at 6.  "Is on the way," she said, without checking.  "Are you sure?" I asked again, at 6:30.  "We very busy," she said.  At last, the orange chicken, the tasty shrimp, the chicken fried rice, appeared on the table. The sons rated the meal "so-so."  "We could've made you turkey burritos," hubby said.  "You can't have turkey burritos on Christmas," the eldest countered.  So fine.  We didn't.  We had lukewarm Chinese take-out because the Torah commands that Jews must consume Chinese food, at home or in a crowded restaurant, on December 25, or else, and trust me, you don't want to go against the Torah.  So fine.  We didn't, and we have the leftovers to prove it.


  1. I love that this really happens. Forget the ham and egg rolls. I'm bringing Emperor's Chicken to Mom's next year for Christmas.

  2. Take out. Really? Next year dine in-- the food's much better.
