Saturday, December 1, 2012

Meeting Adjourned

You'll be happy to know that at no point during the very brief Hollywood meeting, did the SJG do any of the following:  Burst into tears.  Laugh uncontrollably.  Spontaneously combust.  Recite a random Shakespearean soliloquy.  Dance Gangnam style.  Break out the Weegie Board.  Perform a seance.  Channel Ethel Merman.  At no point during the very brief Hollywood meeting, did the lovely Kelly have to tell me to pay attention or quit texting my sons or stop playing Angry Birds.  At no point during the very brief Hollywood meeting, did the SJG misbehave, roll my eyes, burp, twitch or demonstrate any of the standard quirks I must work hard to keep under wraps.  At no point before or after the very brief Hollywood meeting, did I try to steal the fetching silver Menorah in the lobby.  As very brief Hollywood meetings go, it was a nice bagel.  No unforeseen ingredients. No threats to call security.  The SJG has learned a few things over the course of my long, semi-prestigious career.  I did everything I was told.  I curbed my constant urge to swear like a sailor.  I wore my sticky Visitor tag with pride.  I sat on the fluffy sofa next to the lovely Kelly and did my best not to embarrass her too much.  In the end, we pitched our pitch, we got a few laughs, a few smiles, and left with our complimentary bottles of water.  Roll credits.