Alpha: Now, you must wear the cone of shame. Dug: I do not like the cone of shame. -- "Up" |
It would be hard to find any dog that likes, let alone tolerates, the cone of shame. Here an 11-year-old pup named Dusty shows his displeasure after the SJG and her long-time junior high beau performed a complicated procedure on his hot spot. Calm down. A hot spot may sound like something fun but it's the opposite. Just watch one of the many YouTube videos featuring mellow New Age veterinarians speaking very slowly about the care and maintenance of
Le Hot Spot. Yesterday's operation required advanced barber skills, the application of various unpleasant ointments, and the ability to cover the designated area in gauze. Let's just say the pup named Dusty wasn't the most cooperative patient. On his end, he gave the amateur vets two paws down on Yelp, and is threatening to sue.
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