Saturday, October 11, 2014

Follow, Follow

Follow the red brick road. That's the plan. But I can't just get to KC by clicking my dainty heels together three times. That would be too easy. I've got to take two planes to get the SJG tush over there today. My heart may be in Sherman Oaks, but the first official reading of the play I wrote with the one, the only Cathy Hamilton, "It's All About The Hair," is going down in Cathy's living room in the charming college town of Lawrence. Or maybe in the dining room, depending on how many actor-types we can squeeze around the table.

Of course, there have been a few glitches to get to this off-off-off Broadway preliminary stage. The reading was supposed to be on Monday, but then the Royals made the play-offs for the first time in --(you don't expect me to know that, do you?) and well, the rest of its a blur. All I know is this: The SJG's about to get sucked into the royal madness. I may even become a crazed fan. Or I may catch up on a year's worth of sleep. Either way, Cathy's husband (aka The Hubs) is threatening to make me watch a lot of baseball while I'm there. We'll see about that, won't we? Go team!


  1. I tried to get the city to paint that brick street yellow for you, SJG, but they're too busy watching baseball. We'll just get you a #BeRoyal t-shirt and everyone will get a long fine! xo
