Friday, July 3, 2015

Meant To Be

Was it beschert that the SJG should find myself trailing this swanky-swank Mercedes Benz as I waited for the light to change? Why yes, I believe it was, in fact, meant to be that on a day full of oy vey, the mold inspection, oy vey, the plumbing and re-piping, oy vey, the impending demolition of the bamboo flooring, that destiny should direct me to this moment on Ventura Boulevard. A gentle reminder that I'm exactly where I'm meant to be... that all is good and well... that I should count my blessings and remember these are First World Problems... that I should get my keppy out of my tuchas... that I should maintain my perspective on this not great, but not so terrible situation. After all, it could be worse. The destruction of my homestead could've started right away, but the chaos can wait till we return with British accents. In terms of my sanity, if that's not beschert, what is?

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