Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Many Benefits of Mud

On Valentine's Day, we checked in with Sir Blakey, a so-called Lab Mix of royal Jewish lineage, hailing from Your-Guess-Is-As-Good-As-Mine, to find out why he simply adores mud time, post-grooming:

1. Mud time eradicates the emasculating perfume that Alessandro the groomer sprays all over Sir Blakey to conceal his natural scent.
2. Mud time makes Sir Blakey smell like dirt and dog, as God intended.
3. Mud time is way more fun than getting Sir Blakey's tushy glands expressed.

e ruins the stupid red bow that Alessandro clips on Sir Blakey's collar.
5. Mud time drives the short lady crazy.


  1. Mud? Oh Carol that's nothing. Our last dog would, when she could, roll herself and luxuriate in any dead salmon she found along our local creek pathway. And then we'd have to take her home in the car. Eau de poisson mort aahhhh!
