Monday, March 4, 2019

An Aging Gal & Her Toys

Just what the doctor ordered: Lol Surprise!
Snow Bunny & Moj-Moj Squishies

Hmm... what's going on here, and why is my sweet daddy, the one, the only Mr. Ben Starr, transmitting an aura of approval from the Great Deli in the Sky? What a terrific question on a Monday morning. Shall I answer it, or let you guess? That's a tough one. Guessing might lead you to conclude that the SJG has officially gone off the deep end, she's playing with dolls, she thinks she's four again. You wouldn't be that far off base. Let's just say it wouldn't surprise my dad to find his daughter, always big on Barbie and her mishpocha, getting reacquainted with dollies (#Grandma Goals). It wouldn't surprise him to hear me giggling with delight as my daughter-in-law ChloƩ of the newly-acquired silvery locks (#Hair Goals), now working for a big toy company, surprised me with a few of these impossible to unwrap toys called, what else, LOL Surprise. It also wouldn't surprise him that I beheaded Snow Bunny three times while assembling her cute pink outfit.
"Hey, watch it, would ya? What do you think 
I'm made of? Plastic?" - S.B.

She looked at me like this, all big eyed and huffy, conveying her displeasure, but once I popped her head back on and her bunny ears, all was forgiven. Of course, I'm far too classy to offer iPhone proof of how much time ChloƩ and I spent playing with the Poopsie Poopsie Unicorn that poops glittery goo (#Poop Goals), but I laughed hysterically like an unhinged hyena for a good three minutes. How do I know? Longtime hubby timed me.
After just a few days at the palatial estate, I'm sensing that Snow Bunny needs a friend to hang with. Any of these gals will do. (#Nudge-Nudge, #Wink-Wink, #Say-No-More)

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