Sunday, March 24, 2019

Decorating Tips

Now and then, my mother-in-law Char, the decorator, comes up with something so poignant and universal, the kind of advice that can apply to any and all situations, that it would be horribly selfish not to share it with you. During Sunday's drop-by for coffee and danish, we studied the Bloomie's home catalog, admiring the crazy-expensive comforters. In the other room, hubby and his father admired the crazy-expensive antiques for sale on some auction site. Back in the kitchen, Char declared many catalog items "stunning." Stunning is one of her favorite words.  If something is stunning, chances are, it's also crazy-expensive. At some point, I took her coffee cup hostage and said she couldn't have it back till she found a way to update our bedroom, which needs refreshing. So we went upstairs, with Blakey at our heels, and moments later, she stood in the middle of the room, ready to pass judgment. Of course, the fact that she'd picked out the fabric for the nice pillows and the love seat, and helped select the color on the walls, oh-so-many years ago, seemed beside the point. She lives to reinvent a room and here was her big chance. For a minute, she said nothing. She was taking her time, gathering her thoughts. And then, finally, out came this gem, worthy of a bumper sticker, a billboard on Sunset, a neon sign: "Start with something wonderful," she said, whereupon I gave her a big hug. If that isn't the best advice ever, I don't know what is, do you? Start with something wonderful and go from there. Start with something less-than-wonderful and prepare for disappointment and heartache. "You're a genius," I said, even though she has yet to figure out the wonderful component that will change the look of the room. But she will. I just have to give her time and she'll get there. She always does.

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