Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Such A Nice Celebrity

Nina (Taylor Miller) & Cliff (Peter Bergman) on "All My Children"

The only daytime soap opera I ever watched, the one I was obsessed with since junior high, was "All My Children." I loved it so much, I get giddy thinking about it. My favorite all-time lovebirds were Nina and Cliff. Why am I telling you this? I'll tell you why. Because the other day, I was at Hello, Gorgeous, getting color, as one does at this stage in life, and there he was, one station over, Peter Bergman. I got all farklempt, I went weak in the knees, I muttered "ohmygodohmygod." Just in case I'd dreamt it, after I paid, I went back and asked his stylist, "Was that Peter Bergman?" "Yes." "I love him." "Tell him." "He's still here?" "He's in the back." "Ohmygodohmygod."
Peter Bergman, "The Young and the Restless" 

Well, I walked right up to him, blushing like a school girl, and our conversation went something like this:
"I just had to tell you how much I adored you on 'All My Children.'"
"Oh, thank you."
"I mean, Cliff and Nina were everything."
"We were married four times, you know."
"I know! You belonged together."
"We really did."
"What ever happened to her?"
"I just talked to her the other day."
"Taylor is still a good friend."
"I love that! Is she still acting?"
"She lives in Chicago, she's a health coach for women over 50."
"I hear women over 50 need a lot of coaching."
"So do men over 50."
"Listen, this is the point where I tell you we have mutual friends. Otherwise, I'll start to sound like a crazy fan with an unhealthy lifetime crush and that's not good for my self-esteem."
"We don't want that."
"We really don't."

From there, we swapped stories about our friends Robin and Bryan Cranston and how they're the most wonderful, gifted, spectacular humans. I reminded him he met my brother, who really is a mensch of a mensch if ever a mensch there was, when John did a cameo on "Young and the Restless." We chatted for another 15 minutes and then I ended things, respectfully.

"Well, Peter Bergman, there's the bathroom. I was on my way when I spotted you. Meeting you was the best thing ever. I'm going to email Robin the second I'm done peeing."
"Send her my love."
"I will." 

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